Thanks to my big brother which got me a Rock Band set including the Software that's meant for PlayStation 2 on Christmas (year 2008), I've tried out the Guitar Controller, that's when I could see why people play it so much, it's very addicting. Once I've seen why Rock Band was so fun, I think Rock Band is similar to The Sims, mostly because of their concept. I meant that both of these games seems like a dorky idea from the aspect of finding a new game to play, and seeing a game that needs a toy-like guitar controller (some people say the guitar is a toy) and a game that is about living life, they look like the type of game that should be keep secret because of the uncertain feeling if the game was a waste of cash and time or is it a great game, next to the reason that you may look ridiculous playing it, since there is the option of the real thing already.
As you play Rock Band, you can be able play the guitar, base, drums, or sing along in this game which you can get in the special edition of Rock Band. If there is another player, they can be able to play along with you. This game can be able to allow 4 players play this game, a guitarist, a base player, a drummer, and of coarse a singer. You can also play head to head with another player if you have two of the same controller. There are a but load of songs to play along with, through 60's rock to 00's rock, and pop-rock to Southern Rock, but the down side of the PS2 version of Rock Band, you can not add new songs into the game, which you can get more songs in the PS3 and Wii version of this game. Even though are more songs available on other consoles, and I have played every song in this game over and over, I still enjoy playing them again, so it'll be a long lasting game. I think you can use the controllers you get from Rock Band set on other software's out there, so you don't have to worry about busting the bank for buying a new set for another software. But yet again, like real guitars, you may like to get other controllers for Rock Band, who knows that Fender controller may be getting a little dull for some of us. I think this version of Rock Band deserves a 4 Stars out of 5.